Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Some problems

So the University promised us accommodation with private bathrooms, yeah? But instead we have two holes in the ground and two showers to share between 40 people. It's clean, but we think that a promise (especially on paper) is a legally binding agreement. So they tried to solve it but quite unsuccessfully till now, they gave us an ultimatum, which is different to the promise and surely would leave at least a part of our class unhappy. So me and David wrote a letter to Sheffield, and we hope they will help us to solve this. But now, if that's the Chinese organization skills, how are they going to organize the Olympics? Haha...

Anyway, I changed my roommate. Now I'm living with Bunny, and no longer this bad smelling, 26 year old girl, who wakes me up at 7 o'clock on a Sunday. Happy days :)

I also was invited by Bunny and her brother to spend an evening/night at theirs. It was so nice. They made me so happy, compared to how bad I felt. I did some shopping with Bunny, and aww. Some clothes made me laugh so much tho. Hehe.

Today I felt kind of bad as well, I spend all day in bed, and now me and David found this pleasant bar, where they have wireless internet access. It's really nice ;)

Hugs to you all, I miss you!

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